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contoh kalimat a touch of

"a touch of" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Now, this has a touch of lavender in it.
    Sekarang, ini memiliki sentuhan lavender di dalamnya.
  • Sounds like your club's got a touch of the Mac.
    Kedengarannya klub-mu mendapatkan sentuhan dari Mac.
  • A touch of mercy is a virtue, Your Grace.
    Sentuhan rahmat adalah suatu kebajikan, Yang Mulia.
  • 'Sorry, I never could resist a touch of drama.
    'Maaf, aku tidak bisa menahan sentuhan drama.
  • I actually think she's got a touch of Asperger's.
    Aku sebenarnya berpikir dia mempunyai sindrom Asperger.
  • A touch of comedy to balance the whole thing out.
    Sentuhan humor untuk mengimbangi seluruh adegan
  • A touch of fear in your eyes.
    Aku bisa merasakan ketakutan di mata anda. Siapa orang ini?
  • Doesn't certain art require a touch of madness?
    Bukankah seni tertentu membutuhkan sedikit sentuhan kegilaan?
  • In the West End, just a touch of class.
    Di West End, hanya sentuhan berkelas.
  • Got a touch of the swine fever, haven't you?
    Mendapat sentuhan demam babi, bukan?
  • Aside from a touch of arthritis, I'd say pretty good.
    Sangat relaxs, atau aku akan mengatakan cukup bagus.
  • You have a touch of destiny about you,
    Kau memiliki sentuhan takdir tentang Anda,
  • "His eyes were large and black, with a touch of brown.
    "Matanya besar dan hitam, dengan sentuhan coklat.
  • Perhaps a touch of whimsy to brighten any dank chamber?
    Mungkin mainan ini untuk Mempercerah kamarmu yang kelam.
  • You know, there's a touch of the impresario about you, Alexander.
    Kau tahu, ada sentuhan pengusaha darimu, Alexander.
  • And you've got a touch of the fever, haven't you, button?
    Dan kau punya penyakit, benar bukan ?
  • Give it heart and a touch of sorcery
    Berikan hati dan sentuhan sihir.
  • Think he's got a touch of OCD, but other than that
    Pikirkan ia mendapat sentuhan OCD, tapi selain itu
  • Chamomile, quince and a touch of saffron.
    Chamomile, sejenis apel dan sentuhan kunyit.
  • "with just a touch of monkey testicle."
    "Hanya dengan sentuhan testis monyet. "
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